Classical Guitar
Amy Brucksch
Amy Brucksch celebrates the guitar’s rich heritage, exploring musical connections with musicians as diverse as Celtic fiddlers, Baroque harpsichordists, African percussionists, and western NC’s first ever melodica band, OneRoadOver. She has a highly regarded CD, Luminescence, with flutist Kate Steinbeck and performed for many years with Pan Harmonia, a chamber music collective based in Asheville. Her other musical collaborations include Trio Tapestry, a violin, cello and guitar trio, and The Treblemakers, a genre bending trio exploring new sounds with classical guitar, effects processor, synthesizers and melodicas!
Passionate about sharing her love for the instrument, she currently teaches over 100 middle and high school students at Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy and has a private studio at Wild Roots Fine Arts Center in Forest City. A former faculty member of the University of Toledo (OH) and Ohio Arts Council Touring Artist, her music degrees are from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and Bowling Green State University. Amy lives in Tryon, NC and plays a guitar custom made for her by California luthier, Gregory Byers.